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Sunday, May 29, 2011

District meeting at the Reay house

Elder Nadeau loves playing with Buddy during district meeting. 

Elder Nadeau, Elder Smith and Sister Reay studying hard.  Planning our next visits with investigators.

The desert blooms

My tulips are blooming beautifully

More desert flowers.  This is a prickly pear


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Branding calves, May 3, 2011

I just learned how to drive the tractor so now I guess I'll have some work to do on the Ranch

We all went branding calves and the Elders wanted to have a service project helping brand.  One the left is a ward member and Elder Smith and Elder Nadeau and Elder Reay

John Sanders and some other ranch hands separating the cows and calves

This is Ravella Schmutz and her husband Ray

Elder Smith trying to get calves in the pen

Elder Nadeau getting calves in the pen

Elder Smith and Elder Reay

Elder Smith found a new baby he could pet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2011

This is us missionaries at the youth conference work project.
 We had a hay fire on one of our more windy days.  The volunteer fire dept showed up but they couldn't get the pump started to pump water. 

We used our garden hoses to help put out the fire. 
Elder Nadeau and Elder did a service project at our home helping me plant some fruit trees and roses for our yard

The Elders hard at work.  Good job Elders!
This is the youth from 2 Stakes doing a work project of clean up the weeds and burning them and picking rocks to help clear a field so it can be planted