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Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the first week of June Art and Trent came down from the Cleveland Ranch, near Ely to help John and Elder Reay with the cattle.  They gathered cows in from the range and moved some to other pastures and they preg tested the ones from up on the range.  The cows that were'nt bred were being shipped up to the Cleveland where the bulls are.

This is Art

Elder Reay


This is Trent in the big rig

A better shot of the truck and Trent.  These boys love their jobs!

Touring the Delamar

This old cemetery is in an area in the Delamar Valley that used to be an old town.  It had a population of about 8000 people.  They worked in the gold and silver mines  in the area.  They shut down the mines because it was killing so many men.  It was called the widowmaker mine.  Some of these headstones tell of men in their 20's.

Elder Reay and Elder Broadwater

Elder Nadeau and Elder Broadwater

Elder Reay checking out the graves

We took Elder Nadeau and Elder Broadwater on a tour on Memorial Day.  We visited an old cemetery by the old mining town on the Delamar valley