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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finishing up the mission

Danny and Chelise came to see us and we took them on a tour.  This is at the Pony Express corral.

This is Danny taken at Delamar, near the mine.

Chelise climbed a mountain where Grandpa was working on a water line.

Tony fixing a broken water line

Danny and Chelise holding up the big rock

Danny and Chelise

Elwyn Robinson and Tony at Elwyns house.  His wife, Kay wouldn't let us take her picture.  We was at their house having dinner.

My visiting teachers, Michelle Whipple and Cass Maloy. We were going to the Relief Society social.

Elaine Shumway and I atRelief Society 

What a surprise party they gave me.  Harley and Katy Harris made this rendition of the Auction Cafe.

Kelly had sent pictures to Earlene Williams to display

Caitelyn and Liz Sanders, me and Cass Maloy

Katy Harris and Earlene Williams

Cass and I

Sister Bertha Smith and I

our tortelenni soup

Elaine Shumway telling of my life story

Tony and I

They displayed all of my quilts

Katy, myself, Tony, Earlene and Sister Smith

Michelle me and Cass

Katy Harris and I

Tony and I

At the end of the evening they presented me with this beautiful Temple picture that Earlene and her husband, Mark had made.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Touring the Delamar Mines

If you look really close you'll see the coyote that was right outside our kitchen window.

Tony and Kelly were out tlooking for a spring one day and was digging with the backhoe where water was dripping and this is what they uncovered. A mine shaft.  It is full of water.  Tony and Bandit had to go check it out.

Mary and Jessica stopped by to see us on their way back to California after the family reunion in Logan.  It was sure good to see them.

The elders and I went touring the old Delamar mine and had to get some neat pictures.

There were a lot of old ruins from the 8000 reaidents that lived there at one time.

These are the openings of the mine

The elders had to check out another mine shaft.

Bandit had too cool off in a tub that had rainwater in it from the night before